Dos2 Can't Find a Scholar to Read Hymn Book

1. Met Malady

Talk to Malady aboard the ship.

We spoke with Malady one time again. She ought to know what must be done next.

Met Malady

1.1. Alexandar Captive

We have learned that Alexandar survived, and is at present the prisoner of the Seekers. He is locked upon a lower deck of the Lady Vengeance, unconscious.

1.2. Malady Ship Inactive

We learned that the Lady Vengeance is made from elven livewood, significant that it is finer conscious. Something is preventing the Seekers from taking control of information technology, however - the means of getting the ship moving must be hidden aboard information technology somewhere. We should search it thoroughly.

2. Info Ship

Examine The Figurehead. Scholar character can detect a living scar.

We discovered a living scar engraved upon the figurehead at the bow of the Lady Vengeance. If the transport was built using elven ancestor trees, Dallis could take used the living scar to control it... and maybe we tin can too.

Info Ship

2.1. Need Control

Talk to Malady and tell her most your discovery.

Every bit the ship is controlled by a Living Scar, we need to notice the song that controls information technology. We must await around.

3. Info Rat

Talk to Ship Rat (you need Pet Pal talent) and enquire him:

*Ask the rat if it knows how to steer the ship.*

The result volition exist ...

We spoke with a rat who recalls that Dallis controlled the send by singing from an old book of songs, written in a foreign language.

Info Rat

four. Info Magister

Talk to Magister Ranley. You need at least +one Persuasion skill(?), and tell her:

*Point to Alexandar and tell her that she ought not antagonise their captors, or she could wind up with the Divine's claret on her hands by proxy...*

The result will be ...

We spoke to a Magister survivor named Ranley, locked in the Lady Vengeance'due south brig. She told the states that Dallis seemed to control the send by singing to it. The secret to decision-making the Lady Vengeance might be found in Dallis's cabin.

Info Magister

5. Alexandar Key

Come to Bishop Alexandar lying on the bed. If Magister Ranley wants to terminate you, tell her:

*Indicate out that she's solitary, unarmed, and there's a shipful of Seekers who'd happily throw her overboard. She's in no position to exist making demands.*

... otherwise you volition have to fight with her.

Audit Bishop Alexandar:

*Await closely at his unproblematic regalia.*

and take the gem (Strange Gem)

*Sideslip the gem from around his neck. Place information technology in your pocket.*

You can also impale him and get the gem from his corpse. The consequence will be ...

A still unconscious Alexandar turned out to be in possession of a rather peculiar gem. Nosotros decided to borrow it: who knows when such a trinket might come up in handy.

Alexandar Key

7. Door Password

You can acquire the password in ii ways:


Discover and read the Sodden Diary.

Door Password


Find Starboard Stateroom Door and endeavor to open up information technology then select:

*Tell the door to open.*

*Tell the door yous've forgotten your countersign. Ask to be reminded.*

*Tell it that before you answer you'll need information technology to give you the password.*

Door Password

The consequence will be ...

Nosotros accept learned that the password for the master cabin is 'Fortitude'.

8. Go Into Dallis Room

To open Port-Side Stateroom Door you need to already know the countersign and have the Strange Precious stone (can be found on Bishop Alexandar).

Attempt to open the door and then:

*Hold the gem you took from Alexandar out towards the door.*

*Concord the gem to the six-sided shape carved in the figure'southward forehead.*

*State the password: Fortitude*

The result will be ...

We managed to go within Dallis' motel. We should search it thoroughly.

nine. Tarquin Met

Talk to Tarquin.

Nosotros establish a strange man named Tarquin locked inside Dallis' cabin. He claimed that he was being held aboard the send as her prisoner.

Tarquin Met

9.1. Tarquin Lizard Info

During the conversation with Tarquin, ask him ...

*Tell him that the send is immobile. Does he know what might exist causing that?*

The issue will be ...

Tarquin told us that Dallis may have used an aboriginal cadger technique of using songs to control slaves. Perhaps this is related to controlling the transport. We ought to investigate further.

9.2. Tarquin Impale

Kill Tarquin (not recommended).

Whoever this Tarquin fellow truly was, we decided that we couldn't trust him, and were forced to impale him.

10. Info The Fault

Pick upwardly Letter / Dallis' Draft Letter and read it.

We learned near 'The Mistake' - a Sourcerer who was once trained past the Seekers, only to turn on them and crusade a great deal of decease and destruction. This calamity caused the Seekers to autumn out of favour with the Divine Order, forcing them to become an underground movement.

Info The Mistake

11. Go Song Book

Pick up Dusty Tome.

We take found a book of songs in Dallis's cabin aboard the Lady Vengeance.

Get Song Book

12. Asked Sing

Tell Malady that yous institute the book.

*Show her the tome you found.*

The result will be ...

Malady wants u.s. to accept control of the transport, using the song that we discovered.

13. Used Song Book

Yous must first find Dusty Tome from Dallis' cabin, then you tin can talk to The Figurehead and sing information technology a song.

*Sing the song from the tome yous found belowdecks.*

The upshot will be ..

Standing before the figurehead, nosotros recited the contents of the book from Dallis's cabin. The ship spoke to us - it possesses the consciousness of a dead elf, whose ancestor tree was chopped downwardly by the Magisters.

Used Song Book

xiii.1. Free Ship

During the conversation with The Figurehead chose:

*Answer that you are no slaver - y'all wish for the send to be free, and promise that it volition assistance you in return.*

The result volition exist ...

We have chosen to restore free will to the ship. In gratitude, it will take us wherever we demand to go.

13.2. Subjugate Ship

During the conversation with The Figurehead chose:

*Tell the send that it is to practice equally you control from now on.*

The result will be ...

Nosotros have chosen to impose our will over the ship. Information technology will accept no selection but to practice equally it is allowable to.

14. Stayed Ship

Speak with Malady once more when you lot are ready to move forrad.

Nosotros must inform Malady when nosotros are ready to ready sheet for Reaper'south Coast.

Stayed Ship

15. Dallis Attack Start

Later a shot cutscene, you will be attacked past some other ship with Dallis aboard.

Dallis has defenseless up with united states and is boarding the Lady Vengeance with a powerful force of Magisters. Nosotros could attempt to kill Dallis, but if we concentrate on buying Malady some time, she tin cast a spell that might relieve united states.

Dallis Assault Start

Dallis Assault Start

xv.1. Dallis Assault End

Yuo have to survive a few rounds rounds and allow Malady comple her spell. Yous will be teleported to the Hall of Echoes. This ending is most likely :-)

Malady completed her spell, and saved us by transporting the unabridged ship to the Hall of Echoes.

15.ii. Defeated Dallis LV

If you managed to defeat Dallis before Malady finished her spell.

We have managed to defeat Dallis in battle.

xv.three. Defeated Dallis FTJ LV

If yous managed to defeat Dallis earlier Malady finished her spell and you lot also defeated her in Fort Joy.

Nosotros have defeated Dallis in boxing for the second time. Could it be that her formidable reputation is unearned...?


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